Our plastic Poly-Comp™ Gold plastic chamfer strips deliver clean edges and straight lines in less time, with less hassle and at a low overall cost. Your customers will appreciate the smooth, flawless releases on beveled corners, panel joints or details in precast, tilt-up, and cast-in-place projects. Easy to apply with approved spray adhesives and silicon along edges on precast or tilt-up beds, and with staple guns, spray adhesives, and/or finish nails for cast-in-place job-built applications.
Smooth, flawless and non-absorbent surface nearly eliminates swelling for a quick, clean release
Huge savings on finish work—little or no grinding, sacking or patching required
Easy to cut with chamfer cutters or standard wood-working tools
Little waste—available in convenient lengths, with no rough grain or knots
Clean release with little or no release agent—no sugaring or unsightly spalling
Light weight makes it easy to carry on the job—half the weight of wood or fiberboard
Flat bundles stack and store easily
Bundles well labeled on ends—easy to count and track inventory