I wanted to sincerely thank you for your efforts to work with me and the Portland Rose Festival to provide the coated plywood plates for our static displays and other civilian and military aircraft at the Airshow this year. plates the were so wildly popular that the Oregon Air National Guard would like me to look into purchasing more this year so we can place all of our airplanes on them instead of the steel plates that we currently use.
The plates proved to be incredibly versatile, tough and mobile. When we use steel plates, we need the use of a forklift and a special attachment to lift them off the runway. More often than not, the runway or ramp is damaged in the process and we usually have to repair it. With the plywood, our guys simply put them down when the planes arrived and picked them up and threw them in the back of a pickup when they departed. Storage was also a breeze. My assistant and I stacked the plates ourselves in the Rose Festival’s hangar.
Blue Angel #7, Lt. Ryan Scholl also commented while touring the static line on Sunday: “I have seen airplanes parked on a lot of things. But, I don’t think I have ever seen them parked on patio decking” He was very impressed that we had come up with such a creative solution to our problem. This was all thanks to you. I hope that we can do business next year so that we can be in a position to put your product under all of our airplanes.